Company name: | AMC Networks Central Europe s.r.o. |
Registered address: | Prague, Pobrezni 620/3, Postcode: 186 00, Czech Republic |
Incorporation details: | 271 12 501 |
Tax Number: | CZ27112501 |
Phone number: | +420 258 081 333 |
Contact information of the Data Protection Officer: | |
In case of AMC Networks Central Europe s.r.o. you can find our Privacy Policy here.
Company name: | AMC Networks Central Europe Kft. |
Registered address: | 1139 Budapest, Lomb utca 21-25. |
Incorporation details: | 01-09-183155 |
Tax Number: | 24801991-2-44 |
Phone number: | 06-1-236 91 00 |
Contact information of the Data Protection Officer: | |
In case of AMC Networks Central Europe Kft. you can find our Privacy Policy here.
Company name: | Kinowelt Television GmbH |
Registered address: | Germany, Hohenstaufenring 43-45, 50674 Köln |
Incorporation details: | HRB 107412 |
Tax Number: | DE 235747629 |
Phone number: | +49 (0)6196-6522024 |
Contact information of the Data Protection Officer: | |
In case of Kinowelt Television GmbH you can find our Privacy Policy here.
Company name: | JimJam Television Limited |
Registered address: | 111 Salusbury Road, London NW6 6RG, United Kingdom |
Incorporation details: | 05689135 |
Tax Number: | GB 918 4033 32 |
Phone number: | |
Contact information of the Data Protection Officer: | |
In case of JimJam Television Limited you can find our Privacy Policy here.